Sănătate celulară, recuperare musculară și imunitate

Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Stay healthy with the natural preventive properties of Sunlighten’s patented heating technology, which aids in cell health, muscle recovery and overall immunity defense. Sunlighten infrared therapy stimulates the circulatory system, causing the heart to beat more vigorously and blood vessels to dilate, which help cleanse the circulatory system and more fully oxygenate the body’s cells. Better blood circulation means more toxins flow from the cellular level to the skin’s surface to improve cell health, aid in muscle recovery and strengthen the immune system.

Near Infrared for Immunity & Cell Health

Sunlighten’s research-backed near infrared heating technology can strengthen the immune system. In fact, a NASA study showed this same near infrared therapy, delivered by LEDs deep into body tissue, can quadruple cell health and tissue growth.

Several studies have shown that LEDs (like those found in our mPulse saunas) stimulate white blood cell production and collagen growth by increasing energy at the cellular level.

A study done at the Medical College of Wisconsin demonstrated that LED-produced near infrared (NIR) helps promote cell health and regeneration.  The LEDs in our Solocarbon 3-in-1® heaters produce infrared in this same range.


A study from The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology concluded that LED near infrared (NIR) restores enzyme activity and reduces cell death by half².

“Regardless of the extent of the injury, someone who regularly uses this type of sauna will recover faster…It doesn’t add additional stress to the body or the injury. It actually works with the body to heal.” -Dr. Jeffrey Spencer – University of Southern California

According to The Doctor’s Prescription for Health Living, Sunlighten’s infrared heat is one of the best treatments for sprains, strains, muscle spasms, and other injuries associated with sports because it works by penetrating joints, muscles and tissues, speeding oxygen flow and increasing circulation.

What is the Difference Between Near and Far Infrared?

To begin with, infrared heat is the invisible part of the sun’s spectrum, which has the ability to gently and comfortably penetrate human tissue to produce a host of health benefits like boosting your immune system. Naturally occurring from the sun, it is the basis for all Sunlighten™ saunas. Infrared light also comes in several forms. Each form offers unique wellness perks that together provide a holistic approach to better mind and body. Learn about how near infrared differs from far infrared, and how each benefit you.

Near Infrared
Near infrared technology used in Sunlighten Infrared Saunas is similar to the infrared used in cosmetic and healing devices. The LED technology we use allows our heaters to produce consistent near infrared without extreme heat or light, making it a safe option for near infrared use. Near infrared waves have a shorter frequency range and penetrate the epidermis layer of the skin. This is how near-infrared is able to impact your body at the cellular level, encouraging tissue growth, speeding up muscle recovery and strengthening your immune system.

Far Infrared
Because far infrared sauna therapy heats the body directly rather than simply warming the air, it raises the core body temperature and produces a deep, detoxifying sweat at the cellular level, where most toxins reside. Your sweat then pushes out the toxins, cleansing your body and rejuvenating your skin. Far infrared also aids in blood pressure reduction and weight loss, along with a wide range of other health benefits.

The Sunlighten mPulse series offers the full infrared spectrum, with seven presets available so you can sauna in a way that meets your exact needs.


  1. Harry T. Whelan, Ellen V. Buchmann, Noel T. Whelan, Scott G. Turner, Vita Cevenini, Helen Stinson, Ron Ignatius, Todd Martin, Joan Cwiklinski, Glenn A. Meyer, Brian Hodgson Lisa Gould, Mary Kane, Gina Chen , James Caviness. NASA Light Emitting Diode Medical Applications From Deep Space to Deep Sea. CP552, Space Technology and Applications International Forum-2001, edited by M. S. El-Genk. Copyright 2001 American Institute of Physics 1-56396-980-7/01.

  2. Margaret T.T.Wong-Riley, Huan Ling Liang, Janis T. Eells, Britton Chance, Michele M. Henry, Ellen Buchmann, Mary Kane, and Harry T. Whelan. Photobiomodulation Directly Benefits Primary Neurons Functionally Inactivated by Toxins: Role of Cytochrome C Oxidase. JBC Papers in Press. Published on November 22, 2004 as Manuscript M409650200. Copyright 2004 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.
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