Wellness Experts Recommend Sunlighten
Dr. Amy Myers is a pioneer in Functional Medicine and New York Times best-selling author. Through herrevolutionary dietary-based program, The Myers Way®, she has empowered thousands to prevent andeven reverse the signs and symptoms of a multitude of autoimmune conditions and chronic diseases. Along supporter of Sunlighten, Dr. Myers has personally used her Sunlighten sauna in her home in Austin,Texas, to balance her life and live healthfully. Read more from Dr. Amy Myers.
Founder of Bulletproof and New York Times best-selling author, Dave Asprey, is on the cutting-edge oftaking control of and improving one’s biochemistry. Dave believes in the power of re-engineering yourmind and body so they work in unison. Sunlighten has joined him on this mission to empower others andmove everyone towards healthier living. Read more from Dave Asprey.
"I’ve long been a fan of infrared saunas. Recently I took that love to the next level and splurged on one for my home. I didn’t make that decision lightly. After careful research and speaking with trusted colleagues, I opted for a Sunlighten sauna, the only brand clinically shown to raise core temperature so you burn more fat and more effectively detoxify.“ Read more from JJ Virgin.
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In the News
Sunlighten on Randy Alvares's Wellness Hour
Sunlighten owners Aaron and Connie Zack stopped by Randy Alvarez’s Wellness Hour to talk infrared saunas. They delved deep into a lot of information about infrared heat
Sunlighten Sauna Benefits on The Doctors
Sunlighten featured on The Doctors – How Heat Can Change Your Life – Infrared Sauna Benefits of Sunlighten Saunas are explained in this video of “The Doctors” show.
Sunlighten Saunas Featured on Oprah
Renowned cardiologist, Dr. Mehmet Oz featured Sunlighten Saunas focused around the clinically-backed heart-healthy benefits of Solocarbon technology including lower blood pressure, weight loss and increased circulation. Learn More