Energetize the cells with

50% More Near Infrared LEDs

50% More Near Infrared Power

Sunlighten revolutionized the infrared sauna industry with the first and still the only 3-in-1 sauna featuring LED near infrared technology.

We are taking it to the next level with larger, more powerful LEDs in each mPulse sauna:

Light to Fuel Your Cells

Near infrared (NIR) is the shortest infrared wavelength and penetrates the skin’s surface more effectively than mid or far infrared. Scientific research shows that when delivered at the vital wavelength of 880nm without extreme heat or light, NIR can assist with:

Shedding Light on Near Infrared

Near infrared (NIR) light therapy is a form of photobiomodulation that uses invisible, near-infrared wavelengths between 700 and 1200 nm (nanometers) to deliver energy to cells. Scientific research shows that when delivered at the vital wavelength of 880nm, without extreme heat or light, NIR promotes hauterneuerung, zellgesundheit, wundheilung, and tissue growth.

LEDs vs. Halogen Bulbs

The therapeutic value of NIR light will vary greatly by the source. LEDs deliver pure NIR at a singular wavelength. Halogen bulbs emit a broad spectrum of light across the full visible spectrum.

The therapeutic NIR range is between 810-880nm which allows for optimal penetration of light for the targeted cells or tissue. Wavelengths greater than 900nm do not penetrate as deeply and are absorbed by water reducing the reach to cells within the dermis layer of skin.¹

With a halogen bulb, only a small percentage will be within the NIR spectrum. LEDs are effective because they can trigger a natural photo-biochemical reaction (similar to how plants use chlorophyll to convert sunlight into plant tissue).

The therapeutic NIR range is between 810-880nm which allows for optimal penetration of light for the targeted cells or tissue.
Solocarbon 3-in-1 LEDs deliver pure NIR at a singular wavelength of 880nm.

Distance to the Light Source

Your proximity to the NIR light source is important to for your body to absorb the energy.  The power density decreases as you move further from the light source. To achieve the maximum physiological affects you should be within 1-2 inches from the light.  The small percent of NIR emitted from a halogen heater will have little to no effect because it is physically unbearable to get that close.

In order to make NIR safe for saunas, Sunlighten used NASA research to develop an LED array that provides NIR at a singular wavelength with minimal variability and virtually undetectable heat and light.   Our LEDs are strategically placed to give you optimal exposure to NIR therapy. LED does not emit heat and makes it very comfortable and enjoyable to sit and receive therapeutic NIR.


  1. Daniel Barolet, MD. Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) in Dermatology. Seminars in cutaneous medicine and surgery. January 2009
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